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" Wilujeng Sumping di Saung Kefir Jatinangor, Wahana Berbagi Antar Sesama "

Senin, 29 Agustus 2011


It is thought that the consumption of kefir can have many positive health effects on the body. For instance, “Research conducted by East European institutes has proven that there is something to the reputation of kefir. In Rumania where research has been carried out by Professor Dr. Asian on the causes of old age, the effect of kefir on prolonging life is being studied....The general opinion is that the life-prolonging effect is to be attributed to certain components of the kefir grains.”(5) It is also reported that kefir may positively effect the following: the functioning of [the] liver, gallbladder, circulation, heart activity, metabolism, oxygen supply to the cells, [and] blood circulation to the brain [may] improve and stabilize.”(5)

“[Japanese researchers] have carried out a series of animal feeding trials that showed that kefir and kefir grains can slow down or reverse the growth of a wide variety of cancers...[and] other researchers have started to try to identify what component of the kefir grains may be responsible for its cancer fighting properties.”(4) This could be due to the fact that the “ingestion of viable probiotics or prebiotics is associated with anticarcinogenic effects.”(6)

Additional studies show that fermented dairy products, such as kefir, may help lower cholesterol levels. One such study indicates that “fermented milk has been shown to cause an increase in human gut bacterial content. These bacteria, once resident in the large intestine, are believed to ferment food-derived indigestible carbohydrates.

Such fermentation causes increased production of short-chain fatty acids, which decreases circulatory cholesterol concentrations either by inhibiting hepatic cholesterol synthesis or by redistributing cholesterol from plasma to the liver.”(7) In other words, “existing evidence from animal and human studies suggests a moderate cholesterol-lowering action of fermented dairy products”(7)

The Benefits Of Kefir Grains
Aside from the benefits of having a balanced inner ecosystem and the strengthening of your immune system, you also get some great cures that come from it. These are but some of the health problems I have seen cured. These are based mainly on my experiences and of others I know but I have read many testimonials on the internet about them also.

Healing Of Pancres
High Blood Pressure
Regulation Of Cholesterol
Fights Osteoporosis
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
and many many more!

By the way, Kefir also helps increase your metabolism which means, you burn more fat so you get sexier!

You Want More Benefits? Here are Some More!
  • Prevents and treats colon cancer
  • Improves digestion
  • Cures acne
  • Treats sleeping disorders
  • Eliminates vaginal odors
  • Cures migranes
  • Treats liver infections
  • Strongest natural remedy against any allergy
  • Cleans the body of chemical antibiotics

Here are some of the known kefir health benefits:
  1. Strongest natural remedy against any allergy
  2. Strongest natural antibiotic without side effects
  3. Treats liver disease
  4. Treats gallbladder, dissolves gall bladder stones
  5. Clears the body of salts, heavy metals, radionuclides, and alcoholic products
  6. Cleans the body of chemical antibiotics
  7. Treats kidney stones
  8. Good bacteria in kefir are able to fight off pathogenic microorganisms
  9. Lowers level of LDL cholesterol
  10. Cleans the gastrointestinal tract
  11. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  12. Treats gastritis
  13. Treats pancreatitis
  14. Treats ulcers
  15. Prevents and treats colon cancer
  16. Improves digestion
  17. Improves the body functions
  18. Improves the human immune system
  19. Cures Candida
  20. Cures hypertension
  21. Stops growth of cancer cells
  22. Speeds up healing process
  23. Treats psoriasis
  24. Treats eczema
  25. Treats inflammatory diseases
  26. Reduces size of tumors
  27. Treats heart disease
  28. Reverses calcination of blood vessels
  29. Clears the blood vessels
  30. Boosts the bodies energy
  31. Natural “feel good” food
  32. Treats lung infections
  33. Normalizes metabolism thereby can be used as for weight loss
  34. Cures acne
  35. Has anti-oxidants and anti-aging properties
  36. Nourishes hair
  37. Treats the gum disease parodontosis
  38. Lessens effects of medicines
  39. Replenishes body of good bacteria after antibiotic
  40. Balances the microflora of the body’s digestive system
  41. Regulates blood pressure
  42. Lowers blood sugar
  43. Lowers blood lipid levels or cholesterol and fatty acids
  44. Treats diarrhea
  45. Treats constipation
  46. Promotes bowel movement
  47. Anti-stress properties
  48. Treats sleeping disorders
  49. Treats depression
  50. Treats attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  51. Improves the brains neuro functions like reflexes, memory retention, attention, the five senses
  52. Reduces flatulence
  53. Lactic acid fermentation enhances the digestibility of milk based foods. People who cannot otherwise digest milk, can enjoy the vital calcium rich Kefir.
  54. Treats yeast infection
  55. Eliminates vaginal odors
  56. Cures wrinkles
  57. Treats arthritis
  58. Treats colitis
  59. Treats gout
  60. Cures migranes
  61. Treats rheumatism
  62. Treats other stomach disorders
  63. Detoxifies the body
  64. Improves protein quality of milk, and enhances absorption and digestion
  65. Good bacteria manufacture B vitamins such as B3, B6 and folic acid.
  66. Aids in treating tuberculosis
  67. Treats stomach cramps
  68. Treats chronic intestine infections
  69. Treats liver infections
  70. Treats asthma
  71. Treats bronchitis
  72. Treats sclerosis
  73. Treats anemia
  74. Treats hepatitis
  75. Healing effects on catarrh, digestive nodes, astral nodes, bilious complaints
  76. Treats leaky gut syndrome
  77. Prevents metastasis
  78. Cures bad morning breath

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