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" Wilujeng Sumping di Saung Kefir Jatinangor, Wahana Berbagi Antar Sesama "

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

What Is Kefir

Kefir is the "champagne of yoghurts" and boasts many added properties that yoghurt lacks. Kefir is one of our healthiest and most valuable food resources yet few people know what Kefir is...

Well technically Kefir is cultured milk of mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation's, though the alcohol level is very minimal, so children can enjoy the benefits of Kefir as well. The Kefir culture is added to cows, goats, soy, and other commonly consumed milks, before the fermentation process begins.


Traditional style Kefir has a tart, refreshing taste, and is usually effervescent, owing to the presence of carbon dioxide, which is an end product of the fermentation process Well technically Kefir is cultured milk of mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation's, though the alcohol level is very minimal, so children can enjoy the benefits of Kefir as well.


The Kefir culture is added to cows, goats, soy, and other commonly consumed milks, before the fermentation process begins. Traditional style Kefir has a tart, refreshing taste, and is usually effervescent, owing to the presence of carbon dioxide, which is an end product of the fermentation processhttp://kefir.com.au/


You might have heard the about kefir from your health fanatic friends and wondered “what is kefir”? You might have seen lactose intolerant people drinking something like liquid yoghurt and wondered how they could have it without any digestion problems. You might have later learned that it was kefir. So what is kefir? Is it an energy drink; a diet drink; or something for lactose intolerant people? You might have seen the kefir starter packs in the supermarket shelves and wondered- what is kefir?

Kefir is nothing but a pro-biotic health drink made by fermenting milk using kefir grains. This drink dates back to centuries and has been used in the middle-east, parts of Russia and the Mediterranean. It has many therapeutic and health properties. It is rich in enzymes and other micro organisms that are beneficial to the digestive process. It is easy to make and can be made at home. It is a nutritious food for people with reduced immunity levels, pregnant ladies and elderly people. It could be used by people who are intolerant to milk products.

What is kefir from a more scientific point of view? It is actually a live culture consisting of about 30 types of microflora and it forms grains in milk. The micro-organisms in kefir include the lactic acid bacteria, acetic acid bacteria and many other bacteria; and different varieties of yeasts. These bacteria and yeasts give the antibiotic and therapeutic properties to kefir. These good bacteria keep in check the putrefying bacteria that will otherwise colonize the milk. Now that you know what kefir is, we will see how it is made.

Kefir can be made with the milk of goat, cow, or camel; or with soya milk, almond milk or coconut milk. The kefir grains are added to milk at room temperature, stirred well and kept aside for fermenting. After about 20 to 24 hours, your drink will be ready. The grains have to be strained out and the kefir has to be kept in a refrigerator. It could be stored for 7 days. Kefir has a sour taste. It could be flavored with natural flavors. http://www.kefirstarter.org

Kefir is widely considered to be the most potent, healthy probiotic beverage one can possibly find. It is a cultured (fermented) milk similar to yoghurt but far more superior. Kefir is often referred to as the “Champagne” of cultured milks and contains approximately five times more friendly bacteria than yoghurt. Studies have even shown that kefir has about four hundred times more friendly bacteria than the probiotic tablets available at our local health food stores.

The great thing about kefir is that it is a natural product that is quick and easy to make simply at the cost of milk. It is prepared by adding kefir grains to milk (or water if making water kefir) to create a beverage which can be consumed natural or in a fruit smoothie, for instance. Milk kefir is very versatile and can be made using cow, goat, soy or even coconut milk. Live kefir grains, if well cared for, will last a lifetime (they will even multiply); so a once in a lifetime purchase should suffice.

During the fermentation process, milk kefir grains transform ordinary milk into a healthy live probiotic drink. This process usually takes around 24 hours. Of course, the length of time to ferment the milk can vary quite considerably depending on temperature and the amount of milk used. At Kefir Magic, we have created Kefir in as little as five hours in warmer, tropical climates whilst in colder environments it has sometimes taken up to two days to create the same.

Kefir grains are very unique compared with other live cultures in terms of their form and structure. Whilst we refer to these particles as ‘grains’, they are in fact, not grains at all but a symbiosis of many beneficial bacteria and yeasts including Lactobacilli, Streptococci-Lactococci, Acetobacter. Together, they take on a gelatinous form, resembling cauliflower florets or rice pudding. 

Kefir was discovered in ancient times when nomadic shepherds in the Caucasus Mountains of Eastern Europe found that the milk they carried in leather sacks occasionally fermented into a creamy, bubbly drink. Its tart and refreshing flavor is often compared to yogurt. The difference between the two is that Kefir is drinkable and contains much more of the friendly bacteria known as “probiotics.”

Once the accidental process was discovered, this bubbly refresher became popular throughout the known world. Its name is thought to originate from the Turkish word “Keif” meaning “good feeling”, for the sense of well-being experienced after drinking it.

Kefir can only be produced from dairy. Contrary to what some believe, Kefir cannot be made out of non dairy bases such as water, fruit juices, teas, and coconut water. There is no such accepted definition as “dairy-free Kefir.”

So, how does milk become Kefir? The fermentation is triggered by Kefir “grains,” consisting of various species of symbiotic bacteria and yeast. Bacteria (mostly lactobacteria and streptococci) ferment lactose, the sugar found in milk; yeasts perform alcohol fermentation, producing negligible amounts of alcohol. The resulting drink has a pleasantly tangy taste. Easy to digest, Kefir cleanses the intestines while boosting your immune response to illness.

And all that is due to the presence of probiotics – friendly bacteria that help cleanse the body’s ecosystem. Research shows probiotics help boost immunity and promote better digestion. They may also help with weight loss, ADD symptoms, lactose-intolerance and regulating the body while taking antibiotics. http://nationalkefirassociation.com/

Kefir is like yoghurt.....but in our opinion much better. It is great sweetened with honey and fantastic with fruit, maple syrup, cereals, in smoothies or even on baked potatoes and salad. Kefir originated in the northern area of the Caucasus Mountains, here it was called "Airan" and was usually made with cows or goats milk.

The Traditional fermentation was a continuous culturing process in that the milk and starter were mixed in the leather sacks and fresh milk added as the finished Kefir was gradually removed.

It is said that the secret of the Kefir grains and Kefir production was kept from the rest of the world for so long because the grains were given to the people by the Prophet Mahomet. It was feared that the grains would lose their strength if shared with others not of the Faith.

However, luckily for us, Kefir culture has been shared and passed on through the centuries. It has spread around the world and is believed to be beneficial to health by millions of people who eat it daily.

Kefir culture is unique among fermented milk starters in that it is composed of a mixture of friendly bacteria and yeasts that harmoniously co-exist. The microbes break down the lactose in milk and the other chemical components, contributing to the taste and transformation of milk to Kefir. http://www.kefir.biz

Kefir is a milk-based beverage that is made by fermenting milk (goat, cow, sheep) with kefir grains and is rich in both enzymes and beneficial bacteria. This beverage is made with the kefir culture, and this culture is more commonly referred to as a “grain.” Kefir “grains” are comprised of lactic acid bacteria, yeasts, and polysaccharides.

The live bacteria and yeast found in kefir grains are friendly microorganisms that not only aid the digestive system but also help strengthen the intestines and resist the growth or harmful bacteria or pathogens. “Kefir has a uniform creamy consistency, a slightly sour taste somewhere between buttermilk and sour cream, and a mild yeasty aroma. Kefir may have small amounts of carbonation and alcohol. It can be enjoyed plain or sweetened to taste.”(1)

Kefir is a cultured, creamy product with amazing health attributes. Kefir’s tart and refreshing flavor is similar to a drinking-style yogurt, but it contains beneficial yeast as well as friendly ‘probiotic’ bacteria found in yogurt. The naturally occurring bacteria and yeast in kefir combine symbiotically to give superior health benefits when consumed regularly.

It is loaded with valuable vitamins and minerals and contains easily digestible complete proteins. For the lactose intolerant, kefir’s abundance of beneficial yeast and bacteria provide lactase, an enzyme which consumes most of the lactose left after the culturing process. http://www.kefir.net

Kefir, the miracle food, is known as a superb probiotic source. With rich probiotic content, it automatically has a positive effect on our bodies. Kefir and Kefir grains have been around for centuries and centuries back, and all for a good reason.

Over the years while studying and experimenting on kefir and kefir grains, I have compiled a list of the known benefits that kefir may be able to cure. I have personally seen many of these health benefits throughout the years and I really do hope it helps you too.

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