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" Wilujeng Sumping di Saung Kefir Jatinangor, Wahana Berbagi Antar Sesama "

Sabtu, 03 September 2011

Weight Loss With Kefir


Kefir, a fermented dairy beverage, contains protein, calcium, vitamin D and probiotics. Dairy consumption contributes to weight management. Kefir offers both the weight-loss benefits of dairy and probiotics that help maintain your health and contribute to healthy bowel function. Kefir, or "liquid yogurt," provides nutritious calories. 

Combining kefir with the soluble fiber inulin resulted in greater satiety to assist with weight loss, according to a study by Martine Perrigue, M.S., and colleagues from the University of Washington's School of Public Health, published in the November 2009 issue of the "Journal of the American Dietetic Association."



Consuming dairy products such as kefir along with other whole, unprocessed foods helps you to achieve healthy weight loss while maintaining a diet rich in nutrients.  

Dietary calcium -- the calcium you take in from food and beverages rather than supplements -- increases fat breakdown and preserves metabolism during a calorie-restricted diet, according to a study published in the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition." Dr. Michael B. Zemel of the University of Tennessee conducted this study on the role of dairy foods in weight management. Three servings of dairy a day results in significantly quicker fat loss in obese people, Zemel states.


Some adults find kefir and other cultured dairy products more digestible than milk, making it easier to add three daily servings of dairy to speed up fat loss. Low-calcium diets result in increased body fat.

Nourishing your body with protein-rich kefir helps to curb your hunger, gives you the dietary calcium advantage for fat-burning and promotes bowel health to keep weight loss on track. Probiotics support efficient waste-removal from the body. Nicholas Perricone, M.D., author of "The Perricone Prescription" and "Forever Young," lists low-fat probiotic dairy foods, including kefir, among the top 10 "superfoods" for weight loss on his website.



Kefir provides a convenient smoothie for breakfast or lunch. A kefir smoothie offers an effective option if you have difficulty eating in the morning or for when you're in a rush. Measuring kefir and your choice of fruit into a blender creates a calorie-controlled meal. Adding inulin will help to keep you satisfied longer. Retailers carry inulin and other fiber, such as psyllium, in the laxative section

Choosing kefir as a carry-along snack keeps your weight loss on track. Having kefir with you at school or work helps you override temptations that would undermine your weight-loss goals, such as fast food, candy, cookies, donuts and empty-calorie beverages. Planning healthy snacks such as dairy foods helps to reduce hunger and binge eating, MayoClinic.com advises.


Kefir comes in whole milk, low-fat, nonfat, organic, fruit-flavored and plain versions. Reading labels on kefir can help you avoid unnecessary sugar, dyes and additives.

Homemade kefir involves using a live starter culture, referred to as "kefir grains" or "kefir starter," to ferment milk. The process is similar to making yogurt or using a sourdough starter to create natural fermentation.


Although some lactose-intolerant people can consume kefir and other fermented dairy products, some people who have negative reactions to dairy may want to avoid kefir. Extremely low-calorie fad diets based on kefir may cause nutritional deficiencies and lead to increased weight gain when you resume your usual eating habits. A healthy, balanced calorie-controlled diet and moderate exercise will help you lose weight and keep it off. Speak with your doctor before going on any type of diet.


Author: Gryphon Adams

Kefir & Weight Loss



Everyone is searching for the food that melts belly fat, and kefir has been thrust into the spotlight. Kefir may indeed help deflate your belly due to its probiotic content, but that's not real fat loss. The truth is that no food burns calories, and no food melts fat. But if you choose the right foods and eat them in moderation, they can prime your body to respond well to a reduced-calorie diet and a regular exercise plan -- that's how weight loss works. In this respect, kefir is no miracle food, but it may help


Kefir is a fermented dairy product, similar to yogurt, but thinner and tangier. It is often used in place of yogurt in smoothies because it produces a smoother, thinner product that can be sipped like a beverage. Kefir is sold in stores, or you can purchase a kefir starter to culture your own at home from the milk of your choice. Kefir must be made from animal milk, either cow, goat or sheep -- according to the National Kefir Association, there is no such thing as a dairy-free kefir. 


Being a dairy product, kefir contains calcium. Although calcium is no miracle weight loss supplement, there is evidence that having high or adequate calcium levels may help you lose weight. According to the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, calcium may help your body burn more calories than it normally would, and having high calcium levels may prevent some excess calories from being stored as fat. You should consume about 1,000 mg of calcium per day to maintain the health of your teeth and bones, but an extra 200 mg per day may assist in your weight loss efforts.


Kefir contains more probiotics than yogurt, and probiotics may also help you lose weight. First, they help your digestive system function more efficiently -- if you have suffered from chronic constipation, you may notice a small drop in weight immediately as your bowels begin functioning normally. There is also a theory that the type of bacteria in your gut could influence your weight -- Dr. John Morton of the Standford University School of Medicine conducted a study in which gastric bypass patients who were given probiotic supplements lost 9.1 percent more weight than those who were not taking supplements. 

Morton theorized that the probiotic supplement populated the digestive system of the patients with the "right" bacteria, edging out the bacteria that may have hindered weight loss. Further study is needed, because the probiotics that showed promise were in pill form -- both the control group and the supplement group were given probiotics in the form of yogurt, and only those taking the pill form showed extra weight loss. 


Although the calcium and probiotics in kefir may help you lose weight, that doesn't mean you should ignore everything else in the food. In fact, doing so could derail your diet plans. The 
nutritional content of kefir varies according to the type of milk with which it is made. It can have as much as 162 calories, 8 g of fat and 15 g of carbs per 1-cup serving. 

Only three of those carb grams are fiber, the rest is sugar -- that's about half the daily recommended intake for women, and about a third of the recommended intake for men. A full five of the 8 g of fat is saturated fat -- it is best to keep your saturated fat intake as low as possible to maintain heart health. Kefir made from skim milk will be fat-free and lower in calories, so choose a skim variety or make your own. If not, the rest of your diet would have to be sterling to compensate for the indulgence of whole-milk kefir.


Author : Tricia McMillan


Kefir diet… If you set this question in searching system, then your eyes can scatter from the ways variety of the weight loss with the help of kefir. No wonder. Because you know that kefir is unique product in its way, very low-calorie, and meanwhile well-digested, comprising a great number of healthy nutrients for organism. And not accidentally, that kefir contains a base of many diets for weight loss, and it is present in some more their amount as secondary, if one can say so, product (surely you have heard such names as apple-kefir diet, buckwheat-kefir diet, and many many other sorts of kefir diets).

Let's talk about some varieties of kefir diet proper. That is, examine that diets, where kefir is the main product. 
The first one we can call kefir diet "in pure kind". Otherwise, it is kefir monodiet. It is concluded in that, that during 3 day you should take only kefir: drink 1-1,5 l (per day) in 5-6 doses in equal periods. Of course, kefir must be without sugar and certainly nonfat.

There is no doubt that mono variant of kefir diet is more difficult. You can make your life easier, adding a half of kilogram of sweet fruits more and vegetables to the same 1-1,5 l of kefir per day. You can use such variant of diet for about 5-6 days.

And in conclusion, I will give one of varieties of kefir diets, which is intended for 7 days, more high-calorie and including more various products (all the dishes are prepared without spices, salt and sugar):

  1. First day - boiled potato (5 pieces of average size) and 1,5 l of kefir;
  2. Second day - boiled chicken (100 g) and the same 1,5 l of kefir;
  3. Third day - boiled low-fat meat, it is best veal (100 g) plus 1,5 l of kefir;
  4.  Fourth day - boiled fish (100 g)and kefir again;
  5. Fifth day - fruits and vegetables, except high-calorie bananas and grapes (to kilogram) and 1,5 l of kefir;
  6. Sixth day - only kefir (1,5 l);
  7. Seventh day - mineral water.

It is allowed to repeat the diet not earlier than in one month, and better in 1,5-2. And it is clear that it is necessary to take kefir by all variants without sugar and the most nonfat, what you can only find.

Kefir Diet

We all know that kefir is one of the most useful sour-milk by-products. It is used as preventive and medical treatment. Kefir has a sedative action on blood and nervous system of our organism. It is vitamin- and mineral-rich, kefir helps intestines work properly, makes our organism healthier, rejuvenates a skin, improves a condition of hair and nails. Besides, the diets based on the use of kefir, allow to get rid of superfluous kilos easily.

For this diet you should prepare and eat all dishes without salt and sugar. As this diet is rather hard to stick to, it is recommended to repeat it not often than once in two-three months. How much you will manage to grow thin, depends on features of your organism. An average weight loss – about 5-7 kilos.

  1. The first day – 1,5 l of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes.
  2. The second day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled chicken meat (better white one).
  3. The third day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled low-fat meat (preferable beef or veal).
  4. The fourth day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled low-fat fish.
  5. The fifth day – 1,5 l of kefir, fruit and vegetables (except bananas and grapes).
  6. The sixth day – 1,5-2 l of kefir.
  7. The seventh day-mineral water in unlimited quantity (better still water).

You should drink the day norm of kefir by 1 glass every 3-4 hours. Besides, within a day you may change kefir. For example, first, you drink low-fat kefir, then a fruit one, and then bifidokefir. You may drink water, it is better to drink still mineral water. And No coffee or tea!!!- is impossible.

We all know that kefir is one of the most useful sour-milk by-products. It is used as preventive and medical treatment. Kefir has a sedative action on blood and nervous system of our organism. It is vitamin- and mineral-rich, kefir helps intestines work properly, makes our organism healthier, rejuvenates a skin, improves a condition of hair and nails. Besides, the diets based on the use of kefir, allow to get rid of superfluous kilos easily.

For this diet you should prepare and eat all dishes without salt and sugar. As this diet is rather hard to stick to, it is recommended to repeat it not often than once in two-three months. How much you will manage to grow thin, depends on features of your organism. An average weight loss - about 5-7 kilos.
  1. The first day – 1,5 l of kefir and 5 boiled potatoes.
  2. The second day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled chicken meat (better white one).
  3. The third day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled low-fat meat (preferable beef or veal).
  4. The fourth day – 1,5 l of kefir and 100 г boiled low-fat fish.
  5. The fifth day – 1,5 l of kefir, fruit and vegetables (except bananas and grapes).
  6. The sixth day – 1,5-2 l of kefir.
  7. The seventh day - mineral water in unlimited quantity (better still water).
You should drink the day norm of kefir by 1 glass every 3-4 hours. Besides, within a day you may change kefir. For example, first, you drink low-fat kefir, then a fruit one, and then bifidokefir. You may drink water, it is better to drink still mineral water. And NO coffee or tea!!!


Kefir Diet

Your body uses thousands of different types of bacteria to help aid in digestion and fight off infection and disease.

Probiotics can help these bacteria by aiding them in their fight. It is easy to get probiotics, or "pro-life" bacteria into your diet by eating certain foods.

By adding probiotics to your body through the foods you eat, you can assist the friendly bacteria in your digestive tract to help you digest foods better, improve the tone of your skin, improve your overall metabolism, and many other health benefits.

These protective digestive enzymes can now be added to a child's diet to help assist them with their dietary needs long before they begin experiencing any digestive problems from improper diet.

By keeping probiotics in your family's diet before you need them, you will not suffer with the agony of digestive problems like constipation or diarrhea.

The benefit in adding these substances to your diet are better stamina, an increased metabolism, and of course, the flushing of many harmful toxins from the body. These gains are all simple to be had on the kefir diet, which involves adding kefir grain to your daily intake of food, helping you to better process the remainder of your diet.

Soy proteins and drinks that contain these proteins are a great way to get your daily dose of probiotics, but these drinks can be expensive and many do not contain enough probiotics to be beneficial in the way many people hope.

Milk kefir, a very beneficial substance and additive to your diet can eventually cost a lot of money over time, which means drinking water kefir is a better alternative when you get the same results for only pennies of the original cost.

By drinking water kefir, your body resists digestion of certain compounds, meaning they pass entirely through your body undigested, instead of absorbed. This is especially beneficial in the case of saturated fats and other harmful compounds you do not want in your body.

Water kefir is also an anti-inflammatory aid which helps the immune system, preventing infection and inflamed areas in the bowels.

With the cleansing power of kefir, skin begins to take on a healthy glow as well, so the changes initiated by having kefir in your diet are significantly noticed beyond an improved metabolism and more energy to do things.

Make your own kefir
Incorporating probiotics and beneficial kefir grains into your diet does not have to be as hard as you think. Kefir grains can be added to any number of foods, including salad and foods which would require topping.

In addition, they can be drank in several other beverages aside from water, such as smoothies, or even added to yogurt, though mixing kefir with yogurt can cancel out some of the beneficial bacteria contained within both.

Finding foods to combine kefir grains with can be a fun and rewarding experience and you may even find new recipes that are more tasty with the addition of these grains.

Erin Schroeder
Sarasota, FL
( http://www.kefir-diet.com/ )

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