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Jumat, 09 September 2011

The Symptoms Of H Pylori

The Symptoms Of H Pylori Your Doctor May Not Tell You About

Group One (classic H pylori symptoms)

  • Abdominal Pain
  • Acid reflux / Heartburn
  • Anaemia
  • Bad Breath
  • Chest Pain
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhoea
  • Gastritis
  • Nausea & Vomiting

Group Two (non-classic H pylori symptoms)
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Fatigue / Low Energy
  • Headaches / Migraines
  • PMS
  • Sinus Problems
  • Skin: Urticaria. Rosacea, Hives, etc.
  • Sleep Problems
  • Weight Gain
  • Weight Loss

Developed/Serious Health Conditions
  • Autoimmune Conditions
  • Cancer
  • Heart Disease
  • Osteoporosis
  • Ulcers

H. pylori Symptoms: Group One (classic symptoms)

Abdominal pain
H pylori can cause pain in a number of ways. Pain can be caused when H. pylori inflames the stomach and small intestine lining. Because H. pylori can also slow down the digestive process, the build up of gases in the intestines can also create pain. Pain may also be caused if a person becomes constipated because of the digestive system becoming sluggish. H. pylori infections can allow yeast overgrowth (Candida) and facilitate other digestive infections, such as Blastocystis hominis and Giardia lamblia, to get into the body. These secondary infections can also cause abdominal pain, diarrhoea, gas and bloating.

Acid reflux / Heartburn
H pylori can cause excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. This acid can literally burn the delicate lining of the stomach causing pain. The acid can also spill back up the oesophagus causing reflux. In these cases, anti-acid medications such as Omeprazole, Zantac, Rennie, Gaviscon, Prilosec and Nexium may bring short-term relief for symptoms.
If Helicobacter pylori is present in the stomach for a long time, it damages the parietal cells that produce hydrochloric acid. This leads to low stomach acid, or hypochloridia. When acid is low, it becomes very difficult to digest food. As a result, food sits in the stomach and putrefies, giving off gases and causing a burning sensation in the stomach and/or throat.

In the latter situation, anti-acid medication will make the problem worse and will, in fact, make it easier for the H. pylori to survive (studies have shown that despite the fact that H pylori is well adapted to live in the acidic conditions of the stomach, the bacteria will migrate and live in areas of the stomach where the environment is less acidic).

Anaemia is iron deficiency. Studies have shown that iron-deficiency anaemia is closely linked with H pylori. When there is an H. pylori infection and reduced stomach acid, it becomes difficult to digest food, particularly protein. If food can not be broken down in the stomach, the absorption of minerals can be affected. Iron is the only mineral to have been studies extensively but over time it is likely that multiple mineral and vitamin deficiencies develop as a result of H. pylori infection.

Bad breath
The H pylori organisms react with stomach acid to create ammonia. The ammonia can cause bad breath. This chemical reaction allows us to detect the infection using a breath test.

Bloating & excessive gas
Bloating is generally caused by inflammation in the digestive system and the build up of gases as digestion of food becomes more compromised. The build up of undigested sugars and fats in the intestines results in bacterial and yeast overgrowth. As the bacteria and yeast feed on the undigested food, gases are given off, leading to bloating, abdominal distension and flatulence.

Chest pain & Pain between the shoulder blades
The stomach is innervated by nerves from the 4th-8th thoracic vertebrae. These vertebrae correspond to the chest, shoulder blade and stomach areas. If the stomach is inflamed because of H. pylori infection, the pain signals from the stomach can reflex into these areas of the body.

Some people experience severe chest pain and may even think they are having a heart attack during attacks of Helicobacter. I receive 2-3 emails per week from people who have experienced these symptoms and may have even been rushed to the emergency room, only to find that all cardiac tests that are run are completely normal.

It is known that H. pylori cause low stomach acid (see Heartburn & Acid Reflux) by damaging the parietal cells of the stomach. As a result, food is not processed properly in the stomach. Undigested food may be released into the intestine, creating a domino effect that ‘backs-up’ the entire digestive system.

Diarrhoea is usually the result of infections and H pylori can contribute to this symptom. Once the body rids itself of the unwanted organisms or toxins, the intestines usually return to normal. But if the infection is chronic in nature, as most H pylori infections are, the symptoms can also become chronic. The diarrhoea may not be constant and may happen infrequently, or it may happen most days.

Intestinal damage caused by Helicobacter pylori may lead to intestinal weeping (similar to the way burns and wounds to the skin weep). This can also contribute to diarrhoea and may result not only from H. pylori but also from food sensitivity (e.g. gluten).
If sugars and fat are not absorbed properly because H pylori is preventing proper digestion in the stomach and intestines, fluid is drawn into the colon. If the colon cannot reabsorb this fluid, the stool will become loose and watery. Bacteria and yeasts can also feast on these undigested food particles, causing gas, flatulence, cramping and bloating.

Gastritis is a medical condition characterised by inflammation of the stomach lining. The corkscrew shape of H. pylori enables the bacterium to burrow into and injure the stomach lining. Any injury (think of hitting your hand with a hammer, or burning yourself) will result in inflammation, characterised by heat, swelling, redness and pain at the site of injury). Stomach acid can further burn or irritate the site and lead to burning and pain in the stomach and chest area.

Nausea & Vomiting
It is not clear how H pylori causes nausea. Vomiting is likely caused as the body attempts to rid itself of the infection by ejecting it through the vomiting process. Nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of H pylori and may be confused for pregnancy morning sickness in women.

H. pylori Symptoms: Group Two (non-classic symptoms)

Any time there is a H. pylori problem or any digestive inflammation (from foods, other digestive infections), the adrenal glands have to produce the stress hormone cortisol. It is common to see either too high or too low levels of cortisol in people with Helicobacter pylori.

Each molecule of cortisol has to be made from a molecule of progesterone and over time this leads to a deficiency in progesterone. In women, this often causes mood problems, especially depression, irritability and anxiety. It can also lead to PMS symptoms such as painful menstruation, heavy bleeding or skipping periods altogether.

As the adrenal glands make cortisol, other hormones such as DHEA, testosterone and oestrogen can also drop too low, again contributing to depression in men and women. Dr Candace Pert, PhD calls hormones are ‘molecules of emotion’. High or low levels of these molecules can cause emotional imbalances.

Any time there is a H. pylori problem or any digestive inflammation (from foods, other digestive infections), the adrenal glands have to produce the stress hormone cortisol. It is common to see either too high or too low levels of cortisol in people with Helicobacter pylori.

Each molecule of cortisol has to be made from a molecule of progesterone and over time this leads to a deficiency in progesterone. In women, this often causes mood problems, especially depression, irritability and anxiety. It can also lead to PMS symptoms such as painful menstruation, heavy bleeding or skipping periods altogether.

As the adrenal glands make cortisol, other hormones such as DHEA, testosterone and oestrogen can also drop too low, again contributing to depression in men and women. Dr Candace Pert, PhD calls hormones are ‘molecules of emotion’. High or low levels of these molecules can cause emotional imbalances.

Fatigue / Low Energy
You will no doubt have suffered with ‘the flu’ or a bad cold in the past. If so, you will have experienced how tired such an infection can make you feel. The same goes for a chronic digestive infection like H pylori. If you have a digestive infection of any kind, you will likely feel low on energy because your body will be using lots of energy to fight the infection 24/7.

Your appetite may also drop, leading to inadequate intake of food (one of the reasons people lose weight when they are ill). Chronic digestive infections also lead to a condition called adrenal fatigue. Any time there is an infection or digestive inflammation, the adrenal glands have to produce the stress hormone cortisol. If the adrenals become tired, energy levels tend to become depleted, especially in the mid-afternoon. You may also wake up feeling unrefreshed because your body has been fighting the infection overnight.

It is not clear how Helicobacter pylori infections cause headaches and migraines. However studies have shown that migraines can clear once Helicobacter has been eradicated. It is likely that immune responses, hormone imbalances and neural factors caused by Helicobacter contribute to the development of headaches.

For example, digestive infections can cause low progesterone women and it is well known that progesterone deficiency can cause headaches, particularly during the second half of the menstrual cycle. In addition, food sensitivities, possibly triggered by H. pylori may also contribute to headaches and migraines.

Any time there is a H. pylori problem or any digestive inflammation (from foods, other digestive infections), the adrenal glands have to produce the stress hormone cortisol. It is common to see either too high or too low levels of cortisol in people with Helicobacter pylori. Each molecule of cortisol has to be made from a molecule of progesterone and over time this leads to a deficiency in progesterone. In women, this often causes mood problems, especially depression, irritability and anxiety. It can also lead to PMS symptoms such as painful menstruation, heavy bleeding or skipping periods altogether.

As the adrenal glands make cortisol, other hormones such as DHEA, testosterone and oestrogen can also drop too low, again contributing to depression in men and women. Dr Candace Pert, PhD calls hormones are ‘molecules of emotion’. High or low levels of these molecules can cause emotional imbalances.

Sinus problems
Think about it – your sinuses are connected to your stomach. Your nostrils and mouth are one end of a tunnel. Your anus is other end. Your lungs, mouth, stomach and intestines are all part of the same tunnel network.

If you have an infection in your stomach, the inflammatory response is not necessarily limited to that part of the tunnel network and may affect the mouth, lungs or even the eyes and ears. Helicobacter is closely associated with yeast and fungal overgrowth and research clearly indicates that sinus problems are often nothing more than fungal problems. I have seen sinus problems completely clear when my clients have removed inflammatory foods from their diet and successfully cleared H pylori using a natural treatment.

Skin: Urticaria. Rosacea, Hives, etc.
It is not clear how H pylori cause skin conditions. Research and clinical experience has shown that these conditions can improve significantly when H pylori is removed from the body and relevant dietary changes are made. In my experience, the health of the skin seems to reflects the health of the digestive system.

Sleep problems
Melatonin is a hormone that helps us sleep. Any time there is a H. pylori problem or any digestive inflammation (from foods, other digestive infections) the adrenal glands have to produce the stress hormone cortisol. It is common to see either too high or too low levels of cortisol in people with Helicobacter pylori. High cortisol can disrupt the body’s ability to make melatonin, which can cause insomnia.

Each molecule of cortisol has to be made from a molecule of progesterone and over time this leads to a deficiency in progesterone. In women, this can lead to sleep problems. Of course, Helicobacter pylori cause digestive pain, which can also disrupt sleep.

Weight gain
People are often puzzled as to why H pylori infection can lead to weight loss and weight gain! It really depends on the individual as to which way the weight issue goes and in some people weight will not be affected.

When Helicobacter is in the body, it causes a stress response where the adrenal glands release a hormone called cortisol. One of the effects of high cortisol is to encourage body fat storage round the middle of the body (stomach, spare tyre). Adrenals that are overworking can also slow down the thyroid gland. It is well known that slow or sluggish thyroid function can lead to weight gain.

As the adrenals are called upon to make more and more cortisol, they start to fatigue and cortisol begins to drop. Low cortisol leads to a situation where fats cannot be metabolised and used by the body and as a result they are stored away in the fat cells.

At the same time, many women and even men, especially middle-aged men, become estrogen dominant. In women, estrogen is dominant over progesterone and in men it becomes dominant over testosterone. This leads to weight gain and also muscle loss.

Weight loss
As I have discussed in the ‘weight gain’ section, Helicobacter pylori infection leads to a stress response where cortisol levels become elevated. Cortisol causes the body’s lean tissues – i.e. muscle and bone – to be broken down for emergency fuel. As these tissues break down, bodyweight can start to drop.

The H pylori infection may also result in poor digestion of food. If the building blocks of the body – amino acids from protein and fatty acids from fats and oils cannot be absorbed into the body, it will continue to break down as the body becomes more and more malnourished.

Developed/Serious Health Conditions

H pylori and Autoimmune Conditions
An autoimmune condition is characterised by the immune system attacking its own tissues. Example include multiple sclerosis, thyroiditis, colitis, crohn’s disease, type I diabetes and fibromyalgia.

H pylori has been linked with all these diseases but the links are quite tenuous at this stage. It is believed that the proteins on the surface of H pylori are very similar to the proteins found in the body’s own tissues. The immune system may confuse these proteins and instead of attacking H pylori, mount an attack against its own tissues instead.

The research seems to indicate that the thyroid gland is the most likely target of this autoimmune complication.
H pylori Cancer
Research suggests that around 1% of people with H pylori develop stomach cancer. This may sound like a small number, but bear in mind that the world’s population is around 6.6 billion people. H pylori is thought to infect around 50% of this population, or around 3.3 billion people. One per cent of 3.3 billion is 330 million people! So we’re saying that three hundred and thirty million people who have H pylori, right now, will develop stomach cancer.

It is known that the specific strain of H pylori is an important factor in the development of stomach cancer. Two strains – CagA and BabA – seem to be the most likely to cause cancer as a result of specific toxins they produce.

The mechanism by which cancer develops is not yet fully understood, but it seems likely that inflammatory and structural damage to the stomach lining as well as the immune response and toxins produced by the H pylori all play a part in its development.

H pylori and Heart Disease
There is growing scientific evidence to support the role of various infections, including Helicobacter pylori, in the development of heart disease. The precise mechanisms are not yet known, but it seems as though the problem is related to the way in which our immune systems recognise certain proteins in our heart and blood vessels and confuse them for proteins found on the surface of H pylori. This is known as ‘molecular mimicry’.

Studies have shown associations between H pylori infection and homocysteine, cholesterol, blood pressure and insulin resistance. We know that these are potential risk factors for heart disease and may also be part of the mechanism by which H pylori could cause heart disease.

H pylori and Osteoporosis
H pylori eventually leads to a condition called ‘hypochloridia’, or low stomach acid. When stomach acid is low, the breaking apart of proteins and release of minerals like calcium and magnesium is compromised. If the body can not digest food and absorb nutrients properly, calcium and magnesium levels may drop. Of course, calcium and magnesium are essential for bone health and deficiencies can lead to a reduction of bone density.

H pylori cause chronic inflammation in the stomach and intestine, which causes an elevation in the hormone cortisol from the adrenal glands. High levels of cortisol actually cause bone to be broken down. In addition, when cortisol is too high, progesterone becomes too low. Progesterone is needed to build bone.

To summarise, H pylori can lead to osteoporosis because it indirectly leads to a lack of minerals in the body that are the building blocks for bone, it increases bone turnover through high cortisol and reduces bone building through low progesterone (this is why women are more at risk of osteoporosis than are men).

H pylori Ulcer
In 2005, the Nobel Prize for Physiology & Medicine was won by Drs Warren and Marshall when they proved that Helicobacter infection causes stomach and duodenal ulcers.

It is thought that around 80% stomach ulcers are caused by H pylori and that more than 90% duodenal ulcers are caused by the infection. Other causes are thought to be alcohol consumption, NSAID use (e.g. aspirin) and cigarette smoking.
Ulcers can cause many of the symptoms listed on this page, including pain, burning, indigestion, headaches and sleep problems. If ulcers bleed, they can be life-threatening.
Dark, tarry stools, vomit containing ‘coffee’-like granules and abdominal pain can all be signs of bleeding ulcers, which need immediate medical attention.

Fortunately ulcer problems can be resolved relatively easily using a natural program of diet changes and supplements. http://h-pylori-symptoms.com/

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